New posts in metric-spaces

Understanding isometric spaces

Generalization of metric spaces?

Smallest diameter of a balanced subset of the Hamming cube

Is the function $d(x,y) = \frac{\|x-y\|}{\|x\|\|y\|}$ a metric?

In a metric space, is every open subset a non-redundant union of open balls?

How to prove that the uniform topology is different from both the product and the box topology?

The space of sequences as a complete metric space

Interior of cartesian product is cartesian product of interiors

Not-too-non-compact metric spaces

Is $(\mathbb{Z},d)$ compact?

What is the difference between a ball and a neighbourhood?

are singletons always closed?

Are some discrete (and all finite) metric spaces complete?

$U\subset [0,\infty)$ is open and unbounded $\Rightarrow \exists x$ such that $U\cap \{nx;n\in \mathbb N\}$ is infinite.

What's $\mathbb{R}$ doing in the definition of a metric space? [duplicate]

Give examples of clopen (open and closed) sets

Lower semi-continuity of one dimensional Hausdorff measure under Hausdorff convergence

Solution Set Inequality Continuous Function, Probability Theory

Quasi-isometry of finitely generated group

Is the space $B([a,b])$ separable?