New posts in measure-theory

Kakutani skyscraper is infinite

$(\int f_1d\mu)^2+\cdots+(\int f_nd\mu)^2\leq(\int \sqrt{f_1^2+\cdots+f_n^2}d\mu)^2$

Measure theory convention that $\infty \cdot 0 = 0$

Is there a countable cover of $\mathbb{R}^2$ by balls $B(x_n, n^{-1/2})$?

Extension of measure to non measurable sets

Integral of Function in $L^p(E)$ Times Functions in Dense Set Being $0$ Implies Function is $0$

Is this a good argument on what makes the Lebesgue integral more general than the Riemann integral?

Is $L^{p}$ space with alternate norm Banach?

For an outer measure $m^*$, does $m^*(E\cup A)+m^*(E\cap A) = m^*(E)+m^*(A)$ always hold?

Is there any good text introducing a part of Borel-hierarchy which is in need in measure theory

Minkowski Dimension of Special Cantor Set

Convergence in $L^p$ of $f_n$ implies convergence in $L^1$ of $|f_n|^p$ and $f_n^p$

Definition of the total variation distance: $ V(P,Q) = \frac{1}{2} \int |p-q|d\nu$?

Dumb question: Computing expectation without change of variable formula

Prove that $\int f\ d\lambda = \int_{a}^{b} f(x)\ dx,$ for any $f \in \mathcal R[a,b].$

$L^p$-space convergence

What's the relationship between Borel set and set whose boundary is measure zero?

Help needed to understand a theorem from measure theory: Approximation by really simple functions

Why does the Continuum Hypothesis make an ideal measure on $\mathbb R$ impossible?

Show that there is an $F_\sigma$ set $F$ and $G_\delta$ set $G$ such that $F \subseteq E \subseteq G \text{ and } m^*(F)=m^*(E)=m^*(G).$ [duplicate]