New posts in measure-theory

Why is unique ergodicity important or interesting?

Just how continuous is measure

Hausdorff measure of rectifiable curve equal to its length

Converse for Fubini-Tonelli's theorem

Indicator function and liminf and limsup

Supremum of subsequences

Monotone Class Theorem and another similar theorem.

From universal measurability to measurability

Show that convolution of two measurable functions is well-defined

$f$ is a non-constant polynomial, $A $ is a set of measure zero, Is this true that $m(f^{-1}A)=0$, where $m$ stands for the Lebesgue measure.

How to prove the Lebesgue density theorem using martingales?

Using Fatou's Lemmas in proving Scheffe's Lemma Part (ii)

Intuition behind the direct integral of a family of Hilbert spaces

Convergence of Riemann sums of a periodic function

"Lebesgue" measurabillity on Riemannian manifolds

Example of a compact topological space $M$ such that $\mathcal M_1(M)$ is not compact.

Largest $\sigma$-algebra on which an outer measure is countably additive

Can the sum of two measurable functions be non-measurable if they are valued in a general normed space instead of $ \mathbb{R} $?

Outer measure of a union of 2 subsets of disjoint measurable sets of real numbers.

Is expectation Riemann-/Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral?