From universal measurability to measurability

I found a solution that suffices for what I do. It is based on strengthening the assumption that the graph $A$ is universally measurable to it being analytic. The notion of analyticity being used is that a subset $S$ of a measurable space $(M,\mathcal{M})$ is analytic if there is a compact metric space $T$ with Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}(T)$ and a product measurable set $X\in\mathcal{M}\otimes\mathcal{B}(T)$ such that $S=\pi_M(X)$, where $\pi_M$ is the projection onto $M$. Analytic sets are always universally measurable. This notion of analyticity is extensively developed in the book Probability and Potential by Dellacherie and Meyer. A nice guide to the essentials can be found in this paper (JSTOR required).

The countable intersection or union of analytic sets is again analytic. If an analytic set is analytic in the product of some measurable space and a compact metric space, then the projection on the first coordinate is again analytic. An important fact from the theory of set-valued functions on a measurable space is that if the values are closed subsets of separable metric space, then the following condition is sufficient for the graph to be product measurable: The set $$\{\omega:C_\omega\cap O\neq\emptyset\}$$ is measurable for each open set $O$.

So assume that $A$ is analytic and $O$ is open. Then $$\{\omega:C_\omega\cap O\neq\emptyset\}=\pi_\Omega \big(A\cap(\Omega\times O)\big)$$ and hence analytic by the facts above and therefore universally measurable.