Hausdorff measure of rectifiable curve equal to its length
Solution 1:
To prove $H^1(\bar\gamma)\le L$, begin by picking a partition $t_0,\dots, t_m$ such that $$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^md(\gamma(t_{i-1}),\gamma(t_i)) > L-\epsilon \tag{1}$$ and $d(\gamma(t_{i-1}),\gamma(t_i))<\epsilon$ for each $i$. Let $A_i = \gamma([t_{i-1},t_i])$.
Suppose $\operatorname{diam} A_i>2\epsilon$ for some $i$. Then there are $t',t''\in (t_{i-1},t_i)$ such that $d(\gamma(t'),\gamma(t''))>2\epsilon$. So, after these numbers are inserted into the partition, the sum of differences $d(\gamma(t_{i-1}),\gamma(t_i)) $ increases by more than $\epsilon$, contradicting $(1)$. Conclusion: $\operatorname{diam} A_i\le 2\epsilon$ for all $i$.
Suppose $\sum_i\operatorname{diam} A_i>L+ \epsilon$. For each $i$ there are $t_i',t_i''\in (t_{i-1},t_i)$ such that $d(\gamma(t'),\gamma(t''))>\operatorname{diam} A_i - \epsilon/m$. So, after all these numbers are inserted into the partition, the sum of differences $d(\gamma(t_{i-1}),\gamma(t_i)) $ will be strictly greater than $L+\epsilon - \epsilon = L$, which is again a contradiction.
Thus, the sets $A_i$ provide a cover such that $\operatorname{diam} A_i\le 2\epsilon$ for all $i$ and $\sum_i\operatorname{diam} A_i\le L+ \epsilon$. Since $\epsilon$ was arbitrarily small, $H^1(\bar\gamma)\le L$.
For completeness: the opposite direction follows from the inequality $$H^1(E)\ge \operatorname{diam} E\tag{2}$$ which holds for any connected set $E$. To prove it, fix a point $a\in E$ and observe that the image of $E$ under the $1$-Lipschitz map $x\mapsto d(x,a)$ is an interval of length close to $\operatorname{diam} E$ provided that $a$ was suitably chosen.
Then apply $(2)$ to each $\gamma([t_{i-1},t_i])$ separately.
Solution 2:
This statement is proved in "A Course in Metric Geometry" by Dmitri Burago, Yuri Burago, and Sergei Ivanov: