New posts in meaning

What is the difference between "rope" and "cable"?

What does "" mean here?

A word to represent 'non-friend' relationship

Can anyone help me understand the meaning of "crystallized thought"?

Struggling with sentence of poem

Meaning of "as much to be pitied as ever I see" ("Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens)

to target at/on/for/towards

Does extraterrestrial refer to origin or location? [closed]

Looking for words with a similar meaning to Pocket-veto

Attention vs attentiveness

The metaphoric(?) meaning of the word destination

Three quarters of the way back

What does "as has" mean here? [closed]

How does one use the Latin word “cum” in a sentence? [duplicate]

What do broad and narrow mean in the context?

Is "I can't remember the name to it" a valid sentence? [closed]

Meaning of “take a knee”

What is a word meaning 'beggar' or 'panhandler' but without implying poverty?

There is a fatality about all physical and intellectual distinction

A phrase that means you want someone in your care to get ill