New posts in meaning-in-context

Looking for another way to say 'someone is incompetent of carrying out an assignment"

Meaning of "if not" in a sentence

What does it mean by "bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of..." in Lincoln's 2nd inaugural adress?

"infinity more of square roots" and "infinity of square roots"

What does "Can I help you?" really mean?

What term to use to say "family" that includes relatives, not in same household sense but blood-connection sense [duplicate]

'It wasn't what I expected' vs 'It wasn't what I expected it to be'

Is the archaic meaning of "exact" different from how we use it today?

meaning of "to be intentionally thick"

Meaning of 'That old rocking chair's going to get me' [closed]

What does this mean: "Avoid oral calcium, dairy products, shark cartilage & exercise during the medication."

What is the meaning of "just as well" in this context?

what "acuity of admission" means?

Vocabulary Question: Stane (verb); to stane to do something [closed]

What does it mean to sy: Mobius strip of a parable

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

the meaning of "bake-sale beat"?

What is the meaning of "I read a book once"

Meaning of Jo's dialog in Chapter 16 of Bleak House

What does "in the sere and yellow" mean?