New posts in mathematics

Why do we say "lowest common denominator" when we mean "greatest common divisor"?

Why is a 'vulgar fraction' called 'vulgar'?

Is "iff" considered a real word or just an abbreviation?

Are there any differences between "oval" and "ellipse"? [closed]

Transform or transformation?

Where does the word "totient" come from?

"Parametrise" or "parameterise" a curve?

Word that means the classification of a number as even or odd

Should I use the singular or plural verb in mathematical formulae ("Two and two make/makes four")?

How is a' in mathematics pronounced?

(k+1)th or (k+1)st?

Difference between "computation" and "calculation"

Using "the" before name equations/theory like "the Maxwell's Equation", "the Archimedes Principle", etc

When defining the median for an odd number of measurements, should we use [(n+1)/2]th or [(n+1)/2]nd?

What is the binary equivalent to "decimal" and "decimal point"?

Proper use of articles in mathematical expressions

How can I form a word like "quadruple" for any number I want?

Rhetoric vs. Mathematics: ellipsis/ellipse, parable/parabola, hyperbole/hyperbola

X, Y, Z — horizontal, vertical and ...?

How to read exponential expressions, e.g., "2^16"?