New posts in math-history

The origin of the function $f(x)$ notation

Ultrafilters - when did it start?

Interviews of famous modern mathematicians

How to evaluate trigonometric functions by pen and paper?

Hardy / Wright's intro to number theory is highly praised but has no exercises

How did Euler realize $x^4-4x^3+2x^2+4x+4=(x^2-(2+\alpha)x+1+\sqrt{7}+\alpha)(x^2-(2-\alpha)x+1+\sqrt{7}-\alpha)$?

Errors in math research papers [duplicate]

When, and by whom, was "$\mathbb{C}$ is algebraically closed" dubbed the "fundamental theorem of algebra"?

Is there any English version of Récoltes et Semailles?

Discovery of the first Janko Group

Markov chains origins and how is Christianity involved

Why is the distributive property so pervasive in mathematics?

Proving $n\sin(\frac{\pi}{n})<\pi<n\tan(\frac{\pi}{n})$ ; obtaining results from it.

Has any error ever been found in Euclid's elements?

Why did we define the concept of continuity originally, and why it is defined the way it is?

Why don't we use base 6 or 11?

Why did nobody prove undecidability by the "too many problems" argument?

Why are derivatives specified as d/dx?

Results that were widely believed to be false but were later shown to be true

Why is $J$ often used to denote $\mathbb{N}$ or $\mathbb{Z}$ in older texts?