Interviews of famous modern mathematicians

Solution 1:

The Simons Foundation has a number of lengthy high-quality interview videos in its Science Lives section. Most of these mathematicians did their main work more than 20 years ago. Their influence on modern mathematics surely is significant.

Current listing:

  • Alfred Aho
  • Michael Atiyah
  • Sydney Brenner
  • Egbert Brieskorn
  • Alexandre Chorin
  • John Conway
  • Pierre Deligne
  • Michael Freedman
  • Phillip Griffiths
  • Friedrich Hirzebruch
  • Richard Karp
  • Robion Kirby
  • Peter Lax
  • László Lovász
  • Robert D. MacPherson
  • Yuri Manin
  • John McCarthy
  • Dusa McDuff
  • John W. Milnor
  • Cathleen Morawetz
  • John Nash
  • Louis Nirenberg
  • Paul Sally
  • Isadore Singer
  • James D. Watson
  • Margaret Wright
  • Chen-Ning Yang

Solution 2:

This is a book and very interesting: Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews by Albers & Alexanderson.

That besides Notices of the AMS has a series of interviews conducted by Christian Skau and another mathematician whose name I don't recall. You can check the Notices site.

Solution 3:

Samuel Hansen has an ongoing audio interview series with mathematicians called Strongly Connected Components - currently at 55 interviews.

A few years ago I did a series of short audio interviews with mathematicians called Travels in a Mathematical World.

Tony Mann did a short series of interviews with mathematicians and historians of mathematics called Being a Professional Mathematician.

Solution 4:

Something can be found here: (in particular there is a very nice interview with Michael Freedman)

Here there is an interview with S. Smale:

Here's one with M. Atiyah:

with T. Tao:

Moreover on Youtube you can find plenty interviews with C. Villani.