New posts in martingales

Bachelier model option pricing [closed]

Martingale and finite stopping time [closed]

Weak solution of SDE, Tanaka equation

Sum and product of Martingale processes

Expectation stopped Brownian motion with drift

Submartingale convergence (Durrett 5.3.1)

Limit using Itô isometry

Condition for martingale

The Laplace transform of the first hitting time of Brownian motion

Proving Galmarino's Test

Sum of Product of Martingale and its difference

Conditional expectation equation containing martingales

Showing that a random process is a martingale

Martingale theory: Collection of examples and counterexamples

Criteria for being a true martingale

Prove $\mathbb{P}(\sup_{t \geq 0} M_t > x \mid \mathcal{F}_0)= 1 \wedge \frac{M_0}{x}$ for a martingale $(M_t)_{t \geq 0}$

Explanation of Durrett example 5.2.13

Trouble with extending Doob's Optional Stopping Theorem

Why did my friend lose all his money?

Using a martingale property to deduce orthogonality of some increments