New posts in martingales

Let $S_n$ be a Simple Random Walk. What is $E[S_m|S_n]$ if $m < n$?

Azuma's inequality to McDiarmid's inequality?

Show that $M_{n}=\left(\cfrac{N}{N-1}\right)^n X_n(N-X_n)$ is a martingale

$X(n)=2^{n}(1-Y(n))$ is a martingale?

Distribution of stopping time for biased random walk using martingales.

How to show the following process is a local martingale but not a martingale?

Possible example of stopped martingale not being in $L^1$

The payoff in binomial model is a martingale.

How to prove that $E(M_n 1_{F})=E(M_r 1_{F})$ for a discrete-time martingale $M_n$ with $r>n$?

Example of filtration in probability theory

Local martingale is locally uniformly integrable martingale?

Why is stopping time defined as a random variable?

show that the solution is a local martingale iff it has zero drift

Conditional expectation of this stochastic process?

Asymmetric random walk with unequal step size other than 1.

Proof of identity about generalized binomial sequences.

Prove X is a martingale

One of inequalities in the proof of Martingale transforms convergence

$n$-th power of stochastic exponential

Prove a.s. convergence of $(X_n)_n$ satisfying $E(X_{n+1} \mid F_n) \leq X_n+Y_n$ for $\sum_n Y_n<\infty$