New posts in lattice-orders

Every poset is embedded into a meet-semilattice

Modular subgroup lattice in GAP

The set of self-adjoint operators over a Hilbert space doesn't form a lattice

Order embedding from a poset into a complete lattice

What is an interval of a lattice?

Is the Knaster-Tarski Fixed Point Theorem constructive?

Most general form of Cayley's theorem?

Can you provide a symmetric presentation of this partition lattice?

is the lattice [$2+\sqrt{11},3-2\sqrt{11}$] an ideal in $O_{11}$

Lattices are congruence-distributive

How many chains are there in a finite power set?

Is the set of noncrossing partitions of an infinite set a lattice?

Equivalence between middle excluded law and double negation elimination in Heyting algebra

Converse to a proposition on lattices and join-irreducible elements

$I(A)$ and $I(B)$ ideal lattices, then $F(J) = \downarrow \psi(J)$ and $G(U)=\downarrow \phi(U)$ is a connection of Galois between $I(A)$ and $I(B)$.

$P$ poset. $x = \bigvee(\downarrow x\cap U)\Rightarrow \forall x, y \in P$, with $y \lt x$, $\exists a\in U$ s.t. $a \le x $ and $a \nleqslant y$

$L$ finite and distributive lattice, then $\mathcal{J}(L)$ (join-irreducible's) is isomorphic, as poset, to $\mathcal{M}(L)$ (meet-irreducible's)

Let $A_1$, $A_2$, $P$ be CPOs and let $\psi: A_1 \times A_2 \to P $ be a map, then $\psi$ is continuous $\iff$ it is so in each variable separately

Applications of graph theory to algebra?

How many different functions we have by only use of $\min$ and $\max$?