New posts in algebraic-graph-theory

Multiplicity of 0 eigenvalue of directed graph Laplacian matrix

First book on algebraic graph theory?

Geometric intuition of graph Laplacian matrices

Prove that the group of automorphisms of a labelled Cayley graph of a group G is the group G itself (Just stumped on one direction)

Vertex-transitive graphs and deletion of vertices

Complexity of counting the number of triangles of a graph

Representation theorems for groups

Applications of graph theory to algebra?

Can I find the connected components of a graph using matrix operations on the graph's adjacency matrix?

"Semidirect product" of graphs?

associativity in graph theory

The number of labelled graphs with all vertices of even degree

On the Usual Orientation of Cubic Graphs in Random Construction of Riemann Surfaces

Automorphism group and congruences of the cube

Why there are $11$ non-isomorphic graphs of order $4$?

Euler, Grinberg,... who's next?