New posts in language-evolution

Why has Southern US English all but abandoned adverb forms?

Does English have a sister language other than Scots and Frisian?

Why "No smoking" works but "Yes smoking" doesn't?

Replacement for the annoying habit of saying "I was like"

Legitimacy of the word "imput"

What is the etymology of the term "Cockpit"?

Why is there no move to introduce regular versions of verb-forms as acceptable alternatives of irregular ones?

The idiom “be a thing”

"-ia" in country names

When does a mistake become standard usage?

Gay (homosexual) and gay (happy)

Is it possible for a new irregular verb to appear in English language?

Is there an 'official' way to suggest a new word become part of the English language? [duplicate]

Why "Giraffe" as a name for the animal?

A sentence from <the box tunnel> [closed]

Criteria used to determine if a "Chinese inch" is an "inch"?

What’s going on with “drink > drench”? Is it like “passage > passenger”?

How "macro" in computer programming came about

Are there any "fake" French words used in English?

Is Valley Girl speak "like", entering the language?