New posts in inverse

Inverse function of $x^x$

How to find by hands $\arctan(\sqrt 3 + 2)$

Functional equation: what function is its inverse's reciprocal? [duplicate]

Integer matrices with integer inverses

Proving the inverse of a continuous function is also continuous

Adjoint functors as "conceptual inverses"

Inverse of a Function exists iff Function is bijective

second derivative of the inverse function

If a ring element is right-invertible, but not left-invertible, then it has infinitely many right-inverses. [duplicate]

The inverse of a bijective holomorphic function is also holomorphic

Does the sum of the inverses of the sums of the primes converge?

Are most matrices invertible? [duplicate]

Product of inverse matrices $ (AB)^{-1}$

Is the trace of inverse matrix convex?

A continuous bijection $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ is an homeomorphism?

Why are nonsquare matrices not invertible?

Inverse of function given by equation $y = a - b \cdot \text{ln}(1-\frac{x}{c})$

Is there a matrix of every size with all its submatrices invertible?

Given $g(x)$ and $f(g(x))$, solve for $f(x)$.

Show $4x^2+6x+3$ is a unit in $\mathbb{Z}_8[x]$ (inverting unit + nilpotent)