New posts in input-method

Add Persian to Xubuntu 14.04

How do I toggle to katakana input from hiragana with fcitx-mozc text entry? (16.04)

Where are GTK_IM_MODULE and GTK_MODULES set?

What are the differences between the different input methods?

How to enable japanese input in Ubuntu Mate 18.04?

“Emoji Choice” popup (Ctrl-Shift-E) stopped working in 20.10

Selecting a number does not always return a Chinese character with ibus pinyin

Does Ubuntu have any input tools for typing in Indian languages?

What feature is at play when Ctrl+Shift+Alt+U,E "types" an unprintable hex 000E?

How do I type in IPA?

How can I make IBus not ignore ~/.XCompose?

How to install Chinese input in English Ubuntu

Are there plans for handwriting recognition?

Installing SOGOU 搜狗拼音

How to add iBus to start up applications?

How do I input text in Tamil?

Need Google Input Tools to type Telugu in Celtx

How can I input punctuation marks like ellipsis?