New posts in xinput

How do i turn off the trackpoint within wayland?

Logitech M535 in Linux

Dell Active Pen PN350M not working properly

Unable to set default values for SynPS/2 Synaptic

Remap buttons on secondary device

How to disable mouse acceleration in 17.04

Permanently disable point stick

Disable Touchscreen Automatically on Boot in Bash

Touchscreen calibration with dual monitors (NVidia and xinput)

Remap the middle click action of Logitech T400 wireless mouse

Can I limit mouse click frequency?

Increase Scroll Speed Kensington Trackball

How can I stop my controller from moving my mouse?

How to detect touchscreen devices from a script?

How to make "xinput --set-prop 11 "Synaptics Finger" 10 15 100" permanent? [duplicate]

Changes with xinput randomly revert back to default

How to disable the touchscreen in Ubuntu 21.04?

Touchpad not working and not detected when I run 'xinput list', on Ubuntu 20.04

Disabling touch screen only temporarily [duplicate]

Making the xinput --set-button-map changes permanent