What are the differences between the different input methods?

I am currently using iBus as input method (I am learning Japanese and Korean) which is default in Ubuntu but I don't like it very much (not sure why though).

I know there are other IMs like SCIM or uim but I couldn't find any comparisons.

I read that SCIM was replaced by iBus because it was buggy and didn't have support for gtk3 so I probably won't use this one but what are differences between various IMs and why is iBus preferred?

My experience will answer your question partially. I could get my wishes only working with SCIM, even though it’s largely unmaintained. iBus couldn’t do it. I need IME for Chinese:

  • Wubi86 input (structure-based character input)
  • smart pinyin input (sound-based character input)
  • number-pinyin-to-accent-pinyin (letter-based letter input: I write pin1yin1 and I get pīnyīn)
  • switch between those via hotkey (iBus can’t do this; I use F5, F6, F7, F8)
  • don’t screw my dead keys (e.g. my Xserver is configured to do give me ü and é typing ¨u and ´e respectively – some input methods mess with this)

I'm pretty new to using IME for Japanese myself. Like you, I've been studying Japanese but have little experience with IME's yet (except on Windo$e hehe). But I found this link to be a good starting point for some research into the matter. I haven't had much luck finding a straight up comparison myself, yet but I'll check back here and let you know if I find one ^~^ Here's a few links I have found, with some useful info:

  • https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JapaneseInput
  • http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2008/02/19/unraveling-scim-and-uim/
  • http://blogs.gnome.org/happyaron/2011/01/15/linux-input-method-brief-summary/

And finally when all else fails I check Wikipedia. It seems to help (a little xD):

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Input_Bus
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_input_methods_for_UNIX_platforms
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uim

The following link isn't for Ubuntu specifically but it does explain a lot about IME's on Linux =):

  • http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=18883

P.S. Oh and this is another alternative (it's called Mozc) =) It's based on Google Japanese IME. I'm not sure if it supports Korean but I know Google at least has a Korean IME so it might? I hope so! =)

  • http://code.google.com/p/mozc/

I know this isn't exactly what you (and I) are looking for but I hope it helps! Ganbatte! ^~^