New posts in induction

Is induction valid when starting at a negative number as a base case?

Fibonacci identity: $f_{n+1}f_{n-1} = f_n^2 + (-1)^n$

Uses of "Collatz induction"?

Induction on two integer variables

Prove that the 25 people can be seated in this way

Can't find the flaw in the reasoning for this proof by induction?

Must we use induction to prove a statement for all integers

Using induction to prove that $\sum_{r=1}^n r\cdot r! =(n+1)! -1$

Basic mathematical induction regarding inequalities [duplicate]

Mathematical induction problem: $\frac12\cdot \frac34\cdots\frac{2n-1}{2n}<\frac1{\sqrt{2n}}$

Proving $\sum_{i=0}^n 2^i=2^{n+1}-1$ by induction. [duplicate]

Proof of $n^2 \leq 2^n$.

Induction Proof: Fibonacci Numbers Identity with Sum of Two Squares

Geometric mean never exceeds arithmetic mean

How to prove that $2^{n+2}+3^{2n+1}$ is divisible by 7 using induction? [duplicate]

Prove by induction that for the Fibonacci numbers $F(n)$ with $n \ge 6$, $F(n) \ge 2^{n/2}$

Proof of the polynomial division algorithm

Proof by induction that $ \sum_{i=1}^n 3i-2 = \frac{n(3n-1)}{2} $ [closed]

The number $(3+\sqrt{5})^n+(3-\sqrt{5})^n$ is an integer

Prove using induction that from a set of $n+1$ numbers from $\{1,2,..2n\}$, at least one number will evenly divide another.