New posts in indefinite-articles

Is panda "a kind of a bear" or "a kind of bear"? [duplicate]

"A different one" when we have 3 objects - other/another? [duplicate]

"a" or "an" in MSc [duplicate]

What's the correct articulation for abbreviated words? [duplicate]

Which article should be used in documenting arguments to a software function

Why is the article determined by the adjective and not the noun? [duplicate]

Using 'an' before a vowel/vowel sound in a quote [duplicate]

The usage of articles in IELTS Task 1 (writing) [duplicate]

"have dinner" vs. "have a dinner"

Is "a happiness" a valid expression? [closed]

Difference between "Need assistance?" and "Need an assistance"? [closed]

Usage of "the" prefix where it doesn't seem to be grammatically correct [duplicate]

Indefinite article + superlative adjective

Using articles before the subject of a sentence? [duplicate]

The syntax of 'a mere one stroke', 'a mere one game', etc

An adjective brings an article with it. What's the general rule?

Does 'throwback' require an indefinite article?

Indefinite article with fuel and pleasure

My favourite animal is a dog, the dog or dog [duplicate]

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