New posts in hyphenation

Hyphenating words with words in parenthesis

Lock picking, lockpicking, or lock-picking: Which is correct to use? [duplicate]

Multiple hyphens make this phrase feel unwieldy... but are they right?

non-community wiki answers or non-community-wiki answers?

Is the spelling fundraising, fund-raising or fund raising?

Writing "U-shaped" and "V-shaped" in novel

Hyphen in Anti-malware but not Antivirus [closed]

Game-changer or game changer … Hyphenation

Is 'a 210-million-people market' correctly written? [duplicate]

Title case; confused if I have to capitalize this word after a hyphen

Which is correct: Saint Poetic Tradition or Saintly-Poetic Tradition or Saint-Poetic Tradition?

How many hyphens in University of Oxford-based? [duplicate]

When to use -, – and —? [duplicate]

Hyphen in the noun 'switching-off'? Or gerunds of compound verbs, more generally?

"mid" without a following hyphen in these words?

Questions about Unusual Hyphenations

Correctness and spelling of "misscheduled"

time-consuming vs time consuming?

Is it usual to use “full-cry” as a stand-alone adjective?

Can the word "something" really not be broken up into any pieces (hyphenation) in British English?