New posts in hyphenation

Why do we hyphenate between numbers? Example: twenty-six

Hiscore vs Highscore [closed]

To hyphen or not: cat person-turned-dog person vs. cat person turned dog person

Spaces around hyphens [closed]

Capitalization and hyphenation of proper noun declensions [duplicate]

What is the correct spelling of two fold? [duplicate]

Should I use a hyphen in "patient tailored" vs "patient-tailored"?

This program is error free. Or error-free?

May en-dashes be used in sports scores?

Non-preemptive? Non-pre-emptive? Emptive?

Age description and hyphenating

Use of hyphen with the prefix "post-"

easy-going vs easy going

Subtask vs sub-task vs sub task

What is the proper hyphenation of "# and a half year old" in the context of age? [duplicate]

Should anti- and counterclockwise be hyphenated?

Noun + participle as adjective phrase

Which is correct: 'pass-through' or 'passthrough' or 'pass through'? [closed]

When to use "once-in-a-lifetime" and when to use "once in a lifetime"?

Hyphenation of frequency-dependently