New posts in grammatical-number

Boundary: single form or plural form?

How does one pluralize a name that ends with a silent x?

Singular nouns in plural form

Plural of 'Word of the day'?

What word means 'discrete piece of knowledge'?

"No restriction" vs. "no restrictions"

What's the plural of "Full English"?

In my house, "there were" or "there was" many toys

Can Importance Be Different?

Why does the following sentence use the word 'knowledges'? [closed]

"A good memory" vs. "good memories"

"The youth of today dream of high-quality educationS." (Why) Is this sentence correct?

Is there a list of plural names of currencies?

Grammar: Singular Plural subject

Pluralising 'Red Kite'

Are there rules that can be followed with plural or is it meant to be this way?

Use of plural forms when using "Multi-xxx"

How "much" emissions or how "many" emissions?

Answering a singular question with a plural answer

If you have a collection of something, is the something writen in plural? [closed]