New posts in money

Currency with 3+ decimals in words

Case of USD — "United States Dollar" or "United States dollar"

Word for the money that is paid for a carpool – equivalent word to the German informal word "Spritgeld"

Dollar sign necessary in "$16 LD"?

"Two sum problem" - why not "sums"? [duplicate]

Is there a list of plural names of currencies?

What is the word or saying for when you pay money for something, but don't end up using it?

Why don't Yen and Yuan add an 's' in the plural form?

Is there a word or phrase for the price for all units combined?

Etymology/history of "dib-dob" as military slang for foreign currency

Word request: "proprietary currency" or "artificial money"

Thirty dollars is/ are [duplicate]

Is there any connection between 1 bit = 1/8 dollar and 1 bit = 1/8 byte?

What is “beer money”?

A question about former British currency [closed]

Word to describes the money that you lend to somebody?

Origin of "skin" as euphemism for money

Does the currency sign (¤) go before, or after the amount?

Is there a word for the most granular parts of currency, eg, cents, pence, etc?

English term that groups notes and coins of a currency [closed]