New posts in money

month as an adjective [duplicate]

What's the word for "unclassily direct about money"?

What is a plausible etymology of "dosh", a British slang word for money?

What happened to the adjectival forms of Belize and Singapore in their currencies?

What is Skinn & Sheer in the Ambrose Bierce fable: The Rainmaker?

Informal US terms for money amounts

Origin and meaning of the American 1960s slang phrase, "bread is"

A word for something you give and the receiver knows you will come back to get it? [closed]

Why is money called "rhino"?

How to correctly write a range of currency?

Should it be 10 US$ or US$ 10?

What words describe the relation between "dollars" and "cents"?

What is the origin of "dirty money"?

Does the expression, “As sound as a pound” still holds its currency?

€10 = "ten euro" or "ten euros"?

What is "half a dollar" in pre-decimal British currency slang?

What do you call money earned through unethical sources?

What word means "change in wealth over time?"

Why is the unit of measure placed before the value for currencies? Are there other measures where the unit precedes value?

Are monetary values plural? [duplicate]