New posts in german

How to make caps lock only work with letters (on a German keyboard)

What is an inlay apartment?

How would you call someone who is working part-time as a student (Werkstudent in German)

German way of saying numbers found in Dickens [duplicate]

Open and close AGAIN [closed]

Looking for a translation of a German expression "mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit"

Is there such a word as "lightweightness"?

How old is the proclamation: “Here comes the bridegroom”?

Is "To send a message over the communication bus" correct?

Word/expression for a German "Ausflugscafé" - a cafe mainly catering to people taking a walk

keyboard short cut 'E' and 'O' of terminal emulator 'terminator'

How to get german QWERTY on Windows?

Is the plural form of “Mercedes” a disused word?

Capitalization of German words in English sentences

Question about distinction between "trellis", "grid", "grating", "mesh", etc. etc

Non-chess usage of "patzer"?

Why do you say “to step down” in Englisch but the German equivalent translates to “to step back”? [closed]

Is there an English variant of "Zeitgeist" other than "spirit of the times"?

What nouns of German origin should be given capital letters?

Is there one word for fat gotten from stress eating (Kummerspeck)?