Is there one word for fat gotten from stress eating (Kummerspeck)?

In German, there is the word Kummerspeck, which literally translates to sorrow lard and means:

the fat gained from stress eating

Is there such a word in English? I never found any.

Solution 1:

No, it appears there is not an equivalent English term. Kummerspeck is among the Terms considered difficult or impossible to translate into English:

  • Excess weight gained as a result of stress-related eating, literally "sorrow-fat".

(Source: Wiktionary)

The Collins Dictionary offers the following translation:


A flab caused by overeating because of emotional problems:

  • sie hat ganz schön Kummerspeck angesetzt:

  • she's been putting on weight through comfort eating.

Solution 2:

German tends to create new words by combining existing words. English doesn't tend to do this as much so leaving a space between the words "comfort eating" would strike me as fairly close.