New posts in generating-functions

Find the coefficient of $x^n$ in $(x^2 +x^3 +x^4 +\cdots)^5$

The number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of distinct parts with a fixed length

Coefficient extraction

Does the functional equation $p(x^2)=p(x)p(x+1)$ have a combinatorial interpretation?

Closed form of a generating function $\sum _{n=1}^\infty x^{n^2}$

Consider $5$ dice with six sides, three of which are labeled $1$ and three of which are labeled $2$. How many ways are there to get a sum of $9$?

Dealing with a difficult sum of binomial coefficients, $\sum_{l=0}^{n}\binom{n}{l}^{2}\sum_{j=0}^{2l-n}\binom{l}{j} $

How can i find closed-form expression of generating function of this series? [closed]

Making an infinite generating function a finite one

Find the general term in the sequence with generating function

Generating function for the solutions of equation $ 2x_1 + 4x_2 = n$

Proving that odd partitions and distinct partitions are equal

Infinite geometric sum (asking for insight on an easier solution)

Asymptotics of a recursive sequence

Finding a combinatorial formula for the following sequence of tables

Challenging identity regarding Bell polynomials

Generating functions for context-free languages

Deep understanding on exponential generating function

Generalizing Ramanujan's sum of cubes identity?

Prove that $\exp(\log(\frac{1}{1-x})) = \frac{1}{1-x}$