New posts in generating-functions

Closed formula for the sums $\sum\limits_{1 \le i_1 < i_2 < \dots < i_k \le n} i_1 i_2 \cdots i_k $?

Generating functions - deriving a formula for the sum $1^2 + 2^2 +\cdots+n^2$

Finding coefficient of generating function

Toward Explicit Formula from Recursion : Is Generating function "the only" answer?

Flipping a set of unfair coins [closed]

Recurrence relations in the generating function of binary partitions

swap $\sum_k^\infty\sum_j^k$ [duplicate]

Counting sets by their connectedness

Looking for a closed form solution $P_{n+2}(x)=x^2 P'_{n+1}(x)+(n+1)xP_{n+1}(x)-(n+1)P'_n(x) $

What is the meaning of the cumulant generating function itself?

Towards a Little proof of Fermat's last theorem

Composition of Formal Power Series is associative

Analyzing the Coefficient of a generating function and its asymptotic

Recurrences for even and odd indexed of Fibonacci Numbers

How to fit $\sum{n^{2}x^{n}}$ into a generating function?

Generating function for gamma function (or factorial)

Is there a recursive formula for Euler's Totient function

How to solve second degree recurrence relation?

In generatingfunctionology, for a polynomial $P$ and a differential operator $D$, what does $P(xD)$ mean?

Is there any closed form for the following series?