New posts in gamma-function

Gamma function has no zeros

Divergent products.

Intuition behind $(-\frac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi}$

Is it possible to generalize Ramanujan's lower bound for factorials that he used in his proof of Bertrand's Postulate?

Approximation of $\Big[\Gamma(1+x)\Big]^{-1}$ for $0 \leq x \leq 1$ (for the art for art's sake).

Compute $\Gamma(2.7)$

Showing that $10!=6!7!$ via Gamma function

A curious infinite product of factorials

Duplication formula for gamma function

Understanding the Gamma function? [duplicate]

Differentiation under integral sign (Gamma function)

Maximal logarithmic likelihood function of the Student-t distribution

Asymptotic expansion of $\sum _{k=1}^n \left(\frac{k}{n}\right)^k$

Closed form for $\int_1^\infty\frac{\operatorname dx}{\operatorname \Gamma(x)}$

Ahlfors "Prove the formula of Gauss"

How was the difference of the Fransén–Robinson constant and Euler's number found?

A generalization of the product of harmonic numbers to non-integer arguments

How to obtain the Laurent expansion of gamma function around $z=0$?

Big Gamma $\Gamma$ meets little gamma $\gamma$

How to prove that $ \mathcal{L}[J_0(\sqrt {t^2+2t})] = \frac {e^{ \sqrt {s^2+1}}}{\sqrt{s^2+1}} $