New posts in fourier-analysis

Can the phase of a function be extracted from only its absolute value and its Fourier transform's absolute value?

Fourier Transform of $\frac{1}{(1+x^2)^2}$

Convolution of a function with itself

Extracting exact frequencies from FFT output

What is the relation between analytical Fourier transform and DFT?

Inequality in fourier analysis lecture

What are the asymptotic bounds for the $L^1$-norm of the Dirichlet kernel?

Computing the Gaussian integral with Fourier methods?

Absolute convergence of Fourier series of a Hölder continuous function

Fourier Analysis textbook recommendation

Fundamental solution to the Poisson equation by Fourier transform

Is there any handwavy argument that shows that $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-ikx} dk = 2\pi \delta(x)$?

For symmetric stable distributions, why is $\alpha \le 2$?

Continuity of the Characteristic Function of a RV

Hilbert-valued Schwartz functions

Simple proof that Fourier transform is an isomorphism between $L^p$ spaces for $p \neq 2$?

Definition of Fourier Transform on $\frac{2\pi}{L}\mathbb{Z}^{d}$

Where is the wild use of the Dirac delta function in physics justfied?

Heaviside step function fourier transform and principal values

The Fourier transform of a "comb function" is a comb function?