New posts in fixed-point-theorems

Contradiction with Banach Fixed Point Theorem

Is there a square with all corner points on the spiral $r=k\theta$, $0 \leq \theta \leq \infty$?

Why is convexity a requirement for Brouwer fixed points? Shouldn't "no holes" be good enough?

When does Newton-Raphson Converge/Diverge?

Contraction mapping in an incomplete metric space

Looking for help in understanding a proof of the fixed point lemma in mathematical logic.

Contraction Map on Compact Normed Space has a Fixed Point

To prove : If $f^n$ has a unique fixed point $b$ then $f(b)=b$

Every increasing function from a certain set to itself has at least one fixed point

Generalization of "easy" 1-D proof of Brouwer fixed point theorem

Decreasing function and fixed point

"Why do I always get 1 when I keep hitting the square root button on my calculator?"

Convergence of fixed points of a sequence uniformly convergent.

Does every continuous map from $\mathbb{H}P^{2n+1}$ to itself have a fixed point?

Sequence of contraction mapping and convergence of fixed point

Homeomorphic to the disk implies existence of fixed point common to all isometries?

If $T^n$ is $q$-contractive, $T$ exactly has one fixed point

What is the algebraic structure of functions with fixed points?

Prove the map has a fixed point

Show that a continuous function has a fixed point