New posts in euphemisms

"Birds and bees" origins

There's a Star in the East

Whatever tickles their fancy in the US?

Polite/technical way to say "user ineptitude"?

Can a gunfight happen when only one person has a gun?

Euphemisms for pornography, violence, and hate

What does "play the trumpet" mean?

What is the nicest way to say "old person" while still being polite and non-offensive? [duplicate]

Substitute for F*** in emphasizing disbelief, anger, etc

Euphemism for Poor Performance

When was "ladyparts" first used to describe the genitalia of a woman?

Is (or was) the exclamation "Nuts!" crude?

number one and number two as euphemisms for urinate/defecate. rationale for which is which?

What's a synonym for “Bull**it” when referring to something like writing English papers? [duplicate]

Is "Jack of Christ" a common Britishism for Jesus Christ?

I have questions coming out the yin-yang about yin-yang phrases!

Origin of "skin" as euphemism for money

Cleaner alternative for "sucks". [duplicate]

Professors and Students

Positive euphemisms for desert?