New posts in entity-framework

Entity Framework 6 Code First - Is Repository Implementation a Good One?

How do I set a column in SQL Server to varchar(max) using EF Codefirst Data Annotations?

How to get next value of SQL Server sequence in Entity Framework?

Database in use error with Entity Framework 4 Code First

How do I specify that a property should generate a TEXT column rather than an nvarchar(4000)

How do I use Entity Framework in Code First Drop-Create mode?

An error occurred while saving entities that do not expose foreign key properties for their relationships

EF Core 'another instance is already being tracked'

Ramifications of DbSet.Create versus new Entity()

Changing schema name on runtime - Entity Framework

Finding the reason for DBUpdateException

EF Code First DBContext and Transactions

How to do an "in" query in entity framework?

change all string property max length

How to upgrade EF Core Tools

Forcing code-first to always initialize a non-existent database?

Entity Framework and multiple schemas

How to call Stored Procedures with EntityFramework?

How can I configure Entity Framework to automatically trim values retrieved for specific columns mapped to char(N) fields?

Log Queries executed by Entity Framework DbContext