New posts in repository-pattern

Repository Pattern in Entity framework 4 when should we dispose?

LINQ to SQL and the repository pattern

What specific issue does the repository pattern solve?

Service Layers and Repositories

Repository pattern and mapping between domain models and Entity Framework

Repository pattern - Why exactly do we need Interfaces?

Transactions in the Repository Pattern

Entity Framework 6 Code First - Is Repository Implementation a Good One?

How does a service layer fit into my repository implementation?

Repository pattern vs. "smart" business objects [closed]

Using Simple Injector with Unit Of Work & Repository Pattern in Windows Form

Unit of Work + Repository Pattern: The Fall of the Business Transaction Concept

Why use Repository Pattern or please explain it to me?

DDD - Persistence Model and Domain Model

Specification pattern with Entity Framework generic repository pattern

Laravel 5 - Interface is not instantiable

An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key

Generate POCO classes in different project to the project with Entity Framework model

Repository Pattern - How to understand it and how does it work with "complex" entities?

When to use PerThreadLifetimeManager?