New posts in entity-framework-6

How can I use use Entity Framework to do a MERGE when I don't know if the record exists?

Entity Framework 6 with SQLite 3 Code First - Won't create tables

There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key "key"

How to group by DateTime.Date in EntityFramework

Unable to update EntityFramework models from MySQL database in Visual Studio 2015 RC

Entity Framework 6 - How to determine stored procedure input parameters

EF 6 database first: How to update stored procedures?

Problems using Entity Framework 6 and SQLite

Enable Entity Framework migrations in Mono

Error: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

Is it possible to set a unique constraint using Entity Framework Code First?

How can set a default value constraint with Entity Framework 6 Code First?

How do I remove underscore of foreign key fields in code first by convention

How can I configure Entity Framework to automatically trim values retrieved for specific columns mapped to char(N) fields?

Log Queries executed by Entity Framework DbContext

'Code First From Database' Template not showing in Visual Studio Entity Data Model Wizard

The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncQueryProvider

OData V4 modify $filter on server side

Get entity navigation properties after insert

Configure multiple database Entity Framework 6