New posts in ef-code-first

Entity Framework: I set the foreign key, SaveChanges then access the navigation property, but it doesn't load the related entity. Why not?

Mapping a foreign key with a custom column name

Get a list of elements by their ID in entity framework

Entity Framework Code First Using Guid as Identity with another Identity Column

How should I set up my integration tests to use a test database with Entity Framework?

How to set default value for POCO's in EF CF?

Where can I find the console or debug output from code executed in the package manager window?

Entity Framework 6 with SQLite 3 Code First - Won't create tables

How to create a view using EF code-first POCO

How to convert DbSet in Entity framework to ObjectQuery

Mixing Fluent API and DataAnnotations in EF code first

How to Seed Users and Roles with Code First Migration using Identity ASP.NET Core

Delete .mdf file from app_data causes exception cannot attach the file as database

Set database collation in Entity Framework Code-First Initializer

What does WebActivator do?

How to Specify Primary Key Name in EF-Code-First

Enums with EF code-first - standard method to seeding DB and then using?

Optimistic concurrency: IsConcurrencyToken and RowVersion

Why is my DbContext DbSet null?

Map Many to Many relationship without navigation property