New posts in transactions

The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'tx:annotation-driven'

Database transactions - How do they work?

Difference between LockModeType Jpa

Is there a better way of detecting if a Spring DB transaction is active than using TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive()?

Are Erlang/OTP messages reliable? Can messages be duplicated?

2PC vs Sagas (distributed transactions)

TransactionScope and multi-threading

Hibernate/Spring Boot: How to exclude an entity from rollback

Can I access Datastore entities of my other Google App Engine Applications

Django nested transactions - “with transaction.atomic()”

Fragment duplication on Fragment Transaction

SQL Transaction Error: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file

Mongodb v4.0 Transaction, MongoError: Transaction numbers are only allowed on a replica set member or mongos

HibernateException: Couldn't obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread

Implementing transactions over multiple databases

Nested/Child TransactionScope Rollback

Why do SQL databases use a write-ahead log over a command log?

Starting new transaction in Spring bean

How does SQL Server treat statements inside stored procedures with respect to transactions?

EF Code First DBContext and Transactions