New posts in entity-framework

Seed admin user to database OnModelCreating

Entity Framework Code First: How can I create a One-to-Many AND a One-to-One relationship between two tables?

The type 'System.Data.Entity.DbContext' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'EntityFramework 2

Removing many to many entity Framework

How to Specify Primary Key Name in EF-Code-First

Entity Framework select one of each group by date

Check if list contains item from other list in EntityFramework

Disabling identity (auto-incrementing) on integer primary key using code first

Can't find Entity Data Model template in VS2017

Optimistic concurrency: IsConcurrencyToken and RowVersion

Is it possible to set a unique constraint using Entity Framework Code First?

Why is my DbContext DbSet null?

What is the difference between DbSet<> and virtual DbSet<>?

How can set a default value constraint with Entity Framework 6 Code First?

Error 6002: The table/view does not have a primary key defined

"Context cannot be used while the model is being created" exception with ASP.NET Identity

EntityFramework Same Table Many to Many Relationship

How do I remove underscore of foreign key fields in code first by convention

Entity framework - "Problem in mapping fragments"-error. Help me understand the explanations of this error

Get Entity Framework 6 use NOLOCK in its underneath SELECT statements