1. Go to Tools -> Get Tools and features
  2. Select Individual components tab and check Entity Framework 6 tools under SDK's, libraries, and framework section

It seems you added "Class Library (.NET Standard)" which is not supporting ADO.net Entity Data Model. You may add "Class Library (.NET Framework)"

For those of you trying the other solutions and still not seeing the templates...

Perhaps you are attempting to add ADO EF to a .NET Core 2.0 project, and EF is not supported out of the box.

You have 2 options:

  1. Install Core 2.0 SDK and NuGet that is aware of .NET Standard 2.0
  2. Use a .NET 4.x project rather than Core

I recommend #1. VS 2017 doesn't actually have the full Core 2.0 SDK installed, nor is it available from the VS installer (which many comments here struggle with).

I know, confusing, right?

From Microsoft:

"You will need to download and install a version of the .NET Core 2.0 SDK that is appropriate to your platform. This is true even if you have installed Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3."

"In order to use EF Core 2.0 or any other .NET Standard 2.0 library with a .NET platforms besides .NET Core 2.0 (e.g. with .NET Framework 4.6.1 or greater) you will need a version of NuGet that is aware of the .NET Standard 2.0 and its compatible frameworks"


Now... got all that installed and still not seeing the ADO template? I believe that is because it is deprecated/obsolete. This is the way to get EF working in .NET Core: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/get-started/aspnetcore/existing-db

Hope this helps! You're welcome.

I had to create a new project using .Net 4.5.2 then I was able to add the ADO.NET Entity Data Model.

  1. File -> New Project
  2. Select Web -> ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)
  3. Set Framework at bottom of window to .NET Framework 4.5.2 enter image description here
  4. Use Empty Template enter image description here
  5. Right click project (not your solution) -> Add -> New Item
  6. Select Data -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model enter image description here