New posts in education

Color each positive integer with red and blue, whether there must be three numbers $a, b, c$ with same color such that $a^2+b^2 = c^2$? [duplicate]

How to explain to a high school student why a linear differential equation is linear?

Issues with text problems

Online videos on Measure theory.

Useless math that became useful

How do I explain to students that $0 \bmod n$ equals $0$?

Is $ 5 $ nearer to $ 0 $ or $ 10 $?

Good examples for mathemathical problems/statements that are easely solvable/provable in one theory and hard to solve/prove in another

What concepts were most difficult for you to understand in Calculus? [closed]

Would it be fine to use Serge Lang's two Calculus books as textbooks for freshman as Maths major? [closed]

Studies on lack of mathematical education

Why study quadrilaterals?

Should the domain of a function be inferred?

Introduction to Proof via Linear Algebra

Applications of functions of the form $f(x)^{g(x)}$

Algebraic structures associated to flexagons?

Books Preparatory for Putnam Exam

How to fill gaps in my math knowledge?

Video Lessons in Complex Analysis

Why do we first introduce the open set definition for continuity instead of the neighborhood definition?