Does anybody have some link for good video lessons of a complete course in Complex Analysis?

MIT video lectures part 1

There are 5 videos covering complex numbers, functions, conformal mappings, sequence and series, and integration.

The speaker is professor Herbert Gross

There is also the Kahn Academy's basic complex analysis videos

I just found out that Bernd Schroder from Louisiana Tech has videos on Complex Analysis based off of Churchill and Brown's text.

Introduction to Complex Analysis

The India Institute of Technology has a series which I have found helpful. There are a lot of videos and the presentation is straightforward lecture.

Here is one. I believe there are about 40 total.

The accent is pleasant to my ear and makes these easier to sit through than they might otherwise be. I have only listened to a few so far because my connection is slow but for a student with a robust inet they would be great.

There is a course on Coursera, called Analysis of a Complex Kind.

Here is the link: