New posts in editing

How to programmatically edit a file using only terminal?

What does an ellipsis followed by an exclamation mean?

Whats the quickest way to crop pics?

edit the windows registry file, system.dat

Add multiple input elements in a custom edit type field

How can the Table of Contents in a PDF file be edited?

Irfanview nearest equivalent for linux [closed]

Video editing software for Mac OS X

How can I create a video clip from segments of an existing AVI file?

Resizing pages in Adobe Acrobat Pro

Possessive for Name Ending in Apostrophe [duplicate]

Which free video editing tool can I use in windows to slice an mp4 file? [closed]

How can I play an online video in full screen AND type in a text editor at the same time?

Delete from the current cursor position to a given line number in vi editor

Are there any free/open source alternatives to Adobe After Effects?

In Emacs, how to reformat an edited paragraph so the line breaks are properly reinserted?

Use vim to edit ANY text on Linux

How to add entries in the right-click menu of a file manager?

Substitute a font in a PDF document

How do I add another audio stream to an MP4 file?