Resizing pages in Adobe Acrobat Pro
I am using Acrobat Professional 8 to assemble a document from two imported page images (JPGs). Acrobat seems to interpret the images at screen resolution, and creates a document that's about 35" by 46" instead of 8.5" x 11". How can I scale down the page size within Acrobat?
Solution 1:
A few options, in roughly increasing order of difficulty:
The easiest way I can think of would be to print it to the Adobe PDF (Distiller) driver with "Shrink to Fit" turned on.
Copy and paste the images into a blank 8.5x11 PDF file and then use the TouchUp Object tool to scale it down.
If your version of Acrobat has the Print Production tools, go into the cropping tool and change the various boxes to be 8.5x11 (multiply by 72 if you need to give the dimensions in points) and then use the TouchUp Object tool to scale the image.
(These are all possible in Adobe Acrobat Professional 9, which is what I have. I think all three should be available in version 8, but I'm not completely sure.)
Solution 2:
Within Acrobat Professional, do this:
- go to tools/crop
- make a crop mark were ever on the page
- hit return
- This will prompt you to verify the size, if its correct hit OK. I like to do it more accurately then drawn, so I remove the margin controls and choose "change page size". Make it whatever size then center it.
It most cases I use this when I want to replicate the trim from the printer.
Solution 3:
Format page size A5 in Adobe Acrobat X: Start - Control Panel - Printer & faxes - Adobe PDF (Distiller) - Preferences - Adobe PDF Settings - Paper Name = A5 (type with blank after A5) - when Add/Modify.
Solution 4:
Printing to a new size destroys layers. If you want everything intact, use the Print Production, Preflight, Gear icon, Pages, Scale pages to specified size, enter long and short sides in millimeters. It also has presets for A4 and to only scale page content rather than the entire page.