New posts in avi

What is the best simple way to remove parts and trim a movie file that you just downloaded off your camera?

How can the speed of an AVI file be changed?

How to save two camera's data but not influence their picture-acquire speed?

Does HTML5 <video> playback support the .avi format?

Can you get a virus from downloading a .avi file? [duplicate]

Batch-split many AVIs in 2 parts?

Find the original file extension?

How can I convert my mp4 files to avi using avconv?

How to accurately shift subtitles

How do I watch or stream movies over WiFi without constant stuttering?

Burn a season of AVI's to a non-DivX DVD player

Change default audio track in .avi without remuxing

How to losslessly combine multiple AVI files into a single file?

Using avconv, when remuxing to MKV, is there a way to fix packed AVI input files?

Java: How do I create a movie from an array of images?

Burn AVI file to DVD on Linux

Merge AVI-files without recoding in Mac OS X Lion

How can I create a video clip from segments of an existing AVI file?

FFmpeg/avidemux: fix packed B-frames

ffmpeg and the 'unable to find suitable output' error