New posts in virus

How can i terminate the random popup of a program indicating a file location of C:\Users\<username>\Appdata\roaming\ijvctjd? [duplicate]

Windows Virus & Threat Protection is not working

Cannot find/remove browser hijackers

Is it possible for a digitally signed application to be infected by a virus?

Mac OS Sierra Feedback app came out of nowhere

Is there a way I can be 100% sure whether my computer is virus free? [duplicate]

What is 1UnHooker.sys?

Opened a zip file in a spam email which created a folder in the /net folder

What else besides a virus would keep turning on "Show Hidden Files" in WinXP

Google search asks me to enter a captcha, at some point it refused to let me search altogether

Browsers forwarding to random website automatically

Virus/Spyware: C2/Generic-B detected in C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe [duplicate]

Slow computer because of bad SSD?

Recover from possible infection by virus attachment via email

I have a crazy virus [duplicate]

Windows XP end of support [duplicate]

Unknown exe file (ColorMania) running on my PC [duplicate]

Removing a rootkit from the MBR.. without formatting?

My C# program is detected as a virus?

MacBook Air's Safari browser keeps opening new tabs