New posts in dynamical-systems

Dynamical systems and differential equations reviews/surveys?

Period of 3 implies chaos

Logarithmic Spiral- N-gon [duplicate]

What are Green's almost primes?

Differential equations with dense solutions

Kakutani skyscraper is infinite

Definition of measure-preserving: why inverse image?

Fast way to find period-n points of a tent map?

Number of limit points of a continued exponential

Do any of these sequences have infinitely-many distinct iterates under run-length substitution?

A differentiable manifold of class $\mathcal{C}^{r}$ tangent to $E^{\pm}$ and representable as graph

Bounds (and range) of a nonlinear difference equation

Stability in a Liénard system

What are the eigenvectors of this matrix and if these are the eigenvectors, why aren't they orthogonal?

Zero Lyapunov exponent for chaotic systems

Finishing a proof that the points $e^{ixn}$ are dense in $S^1$ for $x\notin \pi \mathbb{Q}$. [duplicate]

Is Collatz' conjecture the only stable solution of its type?

How to prove Mandelbrot set is simply connected?

For what kind of infinite subset A of $\mathbb Z$ and irrational number $\alpha$, is $\{e^{k\alpha \pi i}: k\in A \}$ dense in $S^1 $?

Points moving towards the nearest point, where will they meet?