New posts in diophantine-equations

Diophantine problem: Find all pairs of $(x, y)$ such that $x^3-4xy+y^3=-1$

How many pairs of positive integers $(x,y)$ satisfy the equation $x^2 - 10! = y^2$?

When is the number of areas obtained by cutting a circle with $n$ chords a power of $2$?

Rigid pentagons and rational solutions of $s^4+s^3+s^2+s+1=y^2$

What are all the concordant forms $n$ such that $a^2+b^2 = c^2,\,a^2+nb^2=d^2$ for $n<1000$?

For which $n$ are there primitive Pythagorean triples with legs of lengths $a$ and $a+n$?

Finding a Pythagorean triple $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ with $a+b+c=40$

Help solving $ax^2+by^2+cz^2+dxy+exz+fzy=0$ where $(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ is a known integral solution

Linear Diophantine Equations in Three Variables

Determine all integral solutions of $a^2+b^2+c^2=a^2b^2$ [duplicate]

Find all $x,y\in \mathbb{N}$, such that $x^{y}=y^{y-x}$

Find three numbers such that the sum of all three is a square and the sum of any two is a square

Solving quadratic Diophantine Equation $x_1^2+2x_2^2+3x_3^2=7y^2$. UPDATE: find all primitive solutions...

Non-squarefree version of Pell's equation?

Form of rational solutions to $a^2+b^2=1$?

Solving $X^2-6Y^2=Z^3$ in positive integers

How do I solve a linear Diophantine equation with three unknowns?

Solving a linear Diophantine equation where c is a multiple of $7$ (or any other prime)

Finding the $18th$ Derivative of a Particular Product at $x = 0$

Diophantine equation $x^2 + y^2 = z^3$