New posts in differential-geometry

Showing $\int_{-1}^1\frac{m(2m-1)x^{2m-2}(1-x^{2m})+m^2x^{4m-2}}{(m^2x^{4m-2}+1-x^{2m})\sqrt{1-x^{2m}}}dx=\pi$, algebraically

Relationship beween Ricci curvature and sectional curvature

Proving ${\mathbb{P}}^n$ is Hausdorff

Flat connection with non-trivial holonomy? I cannot get it

Advanced beginners textbook on Lie theory from a geometric viewpoint

Is a general smooth rescaling of a complete vector field itself complete?

Is an immersed submanifold second-countable?

Orientability of a product of smooth manifolds implies orientability of each factor

Compute the pushforward of the vector field $\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}$ via a given function $\phi$

Verification of Frenet Serret

Non-integrability of distribution arising from 1-form and condition on 1-form

Self study Control Theory

Volume of a geodesic ball

Formula for curvature of two intersecting surfaces in terms of their normal curvature.

Given a helix, consider the curve of it's tangent. Express the curvature and torsion of such a curve.

A question about curves in $\mathbb{R}^2$

Deriving generators for $H^1(T)$: what are $dx$ and $dy$?

Deforming parametric circle

Does the group of Diffeomorphisms act transitively on the space of Riemannian metrics?

Almost A Vector Bundle